Our business address and contact information:
7th Floor, Fok Wa Mansion,
No.19 Kin Wah Street ,
North Point,
Tel: (+852) 9752 0677 (24-Hour 7-Day a week voice Hotline)
Fax: (+852) 2887 2519 (24-Hour 7-Day a week fax Hotline)
Whatsapp (+852) 9752 0677
WeChat (+852) 9752 0677
Skype: handyarm
Please make an appointment before visiting us.
Note: (852) is a country code of HONG KONG . You may need to add a prefix in front of (852) which depends on your phone service providers at your country. If you have difficulty to make a long distance call, please contact your long distance call service providers.
Quotations and Questions: info@robotstoreHK.com.
Order: order@robotstoreHK.com
Technical Support: support@robotstoreHK.com
PayPal Payment Email: sales@robotstoreHK.com
The best prefered contact method is by email as we can provide you more detailed information.